这一理论通常被称为*(大碰撞假说)[1]*和搜索这个词可能会帮助你找到其他的链接和引用。总结地质证据,这是* * * *间接证据,因为它比较月球地质学与地球上类似的地质或特性,并将结论解释的相似性(或差异)。由于规模的影响,它可能会重新配置完全两个身体的表面,所以找到直接物证在地球上是非常不可能的。隐藏(如一个巨大的陨石坑将不再存在)地质证据- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -从阿波罗任务收集的月球岩石,几乎相同的氧同位素比率类似岩石地球上发现相同的年龄。——月球地壳的很大一部分是由斜长岩,这是表明大量融化事件。(从影响的能源供应)-锌。月球岩石含有锌,但较重同位素* *的锌比在地球上,相比之下较轻的同位素在更大的丰富。这是符合锌被蒸发从月球耗尽,如在活动产生了巨大的影响。——密度和挥发物。月球是地球的密度比未压缩密度低25%。 It is severely depleted in volatiles, with practically no water and less than half the potassium abundance that Earth has. The combination of low density and lack of volatiles implies that the Moon was not a simple accretion of early solar system material, but resembles the Earth's mantle in bulk composition. Volatile material would have been vapourised by the impact. - The bulk composition of the Moon's crust. (This one does not actually involve the Earth, but I feel it is still important to mention.) The Moon's mantle and crust chemical composition *could* be explained if the Moon had a large iron core, but its core is actually quite small. Other Physical Evidence ----------------------- - The ratio of the Earth and Moon's mass far exceeds any other planet in the solar system, and this begs the question of how did so much material become in orbit of the Earth. (Not evidence as such, but raises the question in the first place) - Getting more indirect...there are bands of warm silica-rich dust orbiting nearby stars which is interpreted as planet-sized bodies having collided with each other, so there is precedent for similar events happening elsewhere in the galaxy. (Again, I realise this is one is not strictly answering the question, but Earth Scientists often have to look well outside the Earth to answer their questions!) Hope this gets you started! *Sources: [de Pater and Lissauer (2010): Planetary Sciences][2]; [Canup and Asphaug (2001), Nature][3]* [1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giant_impact_hypothesis [2]: http://books.google.co.uk/books/about/Planetary_Sciences.html?id=RaJdy3_VINQC [3]: http://www.es.ucsc.edu/~rcoe/eart206/canup_Moon_Nature_01.pdf