电子束辐射直接辐射,如光子没有被分散。散射辐射是间接的和已经被分散。梁的例子从天空辐射会直接向你的眼睛从太阳。散射太阳辐射将蓝天(分散的直接由大气梁),云层和任何你可以看到被太阳照亮。短波辐射指的是太阳辐射来源,主要是可见光和更短的波长。长波辐射是指陆地的起源,它通常在红外和长波长(依赖于温度)和由地球辐射,我们,云、大气等通量是“流量的单位面积上的财产”和辐射通常用瓦特每平方米,Wm $ ^ {2} $。瓦特是1焦耳每秒,所以这是一个能量流,或山能量流经一个1 m $ ^{2} $表面每一秒。应用这个变量:可见梁向下太阳能通量这是来自太阳的直接辐射在可见光谱表示为一个流动的能量。这通常是由于大气层的顶端或在表面。ToA,这将是能源的速度通过一个1平方米的补丁略高于大气层。 For the surface, this would be the rate of energy into a 1 square meter area on the earths surface. - Visible diffuse downward solar flux This is a measure of radiation in the visible spectrum that isn't directly from the sun. At the surface of the earth this flux would be the rate of energy flowing into a 1 square meter patch of earth from reflection of sunlight (scattering) and from the rest of the sky and clouds that isn't the direct path from the sun. - Upward longwave radiation flux This is the rate of energy flow from the sum of all terrestrial emission. At the top of the atmosphere this would be the terrestrial energy escaping to space (per square meter). - Near IR beam downward solar flux This is the same as the visible beam downward solar flux except it is in the thermal IR band rather than in the visible spectrum. - Downward longwave radiation flux This flux is terrestrial emission sources that send energy downward toward the earth. This energy would come from clouds, the atmosphere (greenhouse gasses), etc. - Downward solar radiation flux This is the total shortwave flux (visible + IR + UV, etc; beam and diffuse) downward through the top of atmosphere or at the surface.