* *因为你找到化石通过观察暴露基石,本质上经常有大片沙漠的基石。植物的缺乏也是一个很大的好处,植物根系倾向于破坏化石* *化石随处可见你有沉积岩*沙漠实际上是相当贫穷形成化石相比其他环境。他们常常在沙漠被发现时* *因为没有植物或土壤覆盖起来,没有植物根系拆开它们矿物质。你不需要沙漠只是暴露的基石。记住什么是沙漠,沙漠很少是化石埋藏时,自己的地方的例子是河口,泛滥平原,浅海分别和地方更容易形成化石。化石在其他环境中常见道路削减,采矿、或大型建筑项目,删除所有的土壤暴露基础的情况下,这当然使得搜索可能的基石。在许多沙漠的基石已经暴露这意味着所有你要做的就是徘徊,直到你找到一个化石伸出。更容易徘徊一片沙漠,然后用眼睛搜索挖掘随机森林的部分希望能找到化石。寻找化石几乎总是视觉,这意味着你需要能够看到地面,而不是植物覆盖地面。虽然在沙漠植物可以使用,如果你看到一条宽阔的空旷的沙漠土壤和一个工厂,除非有水源,植物的根通常缠绕在化石,化石的添加矿物质帮助植物生长比,植物根系非常具有破坏性,倾向于寻找化石。 The best environments for forming fossils are often wet, floodplains, estuaries, and lakes are great for forming fossils because they have a lot of deposition and the first step in fossilization is burial. Deserts which often have little sedimentation are pretty bad at forming fossils, but they make searching for them so much easier. Quite frankly there are not many paleontologists and they are human, so they tend to hit areas with high chances of finding things. there is one other factor, people often don't like paleontologists digging up their property or slowing down construction, but people or governments that own stretches of desert often don't care if you dig up portions of it. So in the desert lucky finds will get expanded exposing more and more of the right layer, while in other environments this would not be economically or legally feasible. examples of famous non-deserts, Solnhofen Germany a giant limestone mine, La Brea tar pits, heck the first complete fossils skeleton ever found was found in New Jersey in a coal mine. **Not every sedimentary layer has fossils, there is a geochemical and physical factor, but a surprisingly large number do.*