我不会重复提供的其他答案。唯一我想补充的是,* * *我们看不到云地闪电* * *。理论上说地云可能因为闪电是一种放电有极端的两点之间的电压差。所以它不是一个神秘的说,“为什么发生这种情况,这[视频][1],但这个过程是如何发生的。”是它的地质的位置(如[马拉开波湖][2]或千湖的闪电)?是的,需要更全面的检查一些效果更频繁地发生在特定的地理位置都是需要理解的是,* *为什么* *(这可能不仅仅是一个因素)。[![在这里输入图像描述][3]][3]的地图每平方公里平均每年的闪电从1995年到2013年(来源:美国国家航空航天局)但是回到这张照片[![在这里输入图像描述][4]][4],请好好看看。注意到明亮的闪光的左上角开始蔓延成几个领导人到达地面。没有地面路径建立直到两个领导人到达地面。 From those two paths one of them has less resistance leading to a momentary current path among the cloud and the ground. I do think that in this case we see a Cloud To Ground lightning but of these two types, [positive and negative lightning][5] on an already established path. Furthermore one thing you should have in mind is that lightning is not just a static electricity discharge. > ***This discharge may produce a wide range of electromagnetic radiation, > from very hot plasma created by the rapid movement of electrons to > brilliant flashes of visible light in the form of black-body > radiation. Lightning causes thunder, a sound from the shock wave which > develops as gases in the vicinity of the discharge experience a sudden > increase in pressure. Lightning occurs commonly during thunderstorms > and other types of energetic weather systems, but volcanic lightning > can also occur during volcanic eruptions.*** [Wikipedia][6] Above is written that the discharge itself may produce wide range of electromagnetic radiation. The majority of that radiation should be produced once the Cloud To Ground path has been established. In case we do have a combination of positive and negative lightning on that path then perhaps a differently `filtered` view of this lightning (microwave, infrared, ultraviolet, or even X-ray range) would have been more `enlightening`. I actually don't think that all the radiation comes from the discharge itself as written above. It should be a combination of static electricity and radiation even before the discharge, only to be amplified at the moment of discharge. An even more peculiar case than Ground To Cloud lightning is also the case of [Ball Lightning][7]. This [video][8] shows something that could be identified as ball lightning. One of the theories on how ball lightning occur indicate that `Si` element on soil could be a probable source. [1]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDDfkKEa2ls [2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Maracaibo [3]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/1Lpi1.jpg [4]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/Qp2PB.gif [5]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lightning#Positive_and_negative_lightning [6]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lightning [7]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ball_lightning [8]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIB3NPTdwmc