而你的问题并不理想,它是3分开的问题,没有多少迹象表明你已经做了任何研究,我将回答。>是二十年风车准确预测极地冰>灭绝?没有人知道如果它是准确的。这当然是一个合理的估计基于目前的下降速度和持续变暖。准确地预测类似的东西,但是,是不可能的。但他们可以做出很好的预测提供足够的研究。我也不会叫它灭绝的冰,因为冰将返回每年冬天,它只是一个无冰的夏季。它还坏吗?是的。一个无冰的北极应该阻止了如果我们能在夏天。 > A.) Is there a model to show just how much our forests absorbs green > house gases? This is also a very difficult question. Forests absorb CO2 but they also release it when plants and animals die and/or get eaten. [NASA estimates up to 30% of our CO2][1] is currently absorbed by all the forests in the world, but the article describes the difficulty in reaching that estimate. Similar estimate [from this article][2]. The problem, of-course, is we can't exactly double or triple the amounts of forests we have in the world. We don't have that much free space. Maintaining forests and planting trees can help with climate change but it's unlikely to ever be a fix. > Will an abundance of CO2 & methane-gas over load the earths forests & > oceans natural ability absorb such gases and start to kill them off. No. Methane is too scarce to have much effect and CO2 is, if anything, good for plants, not bad for them. Some studies suggest increased levels in CO2 increase plant growth. There are other related problems. Flooding, hurricanes, droughts, salt from storm surges can hurt, not help plant growth. While the CO2 increase can be a boost to planets, environmental changes can hurt plant growth. C.) Does our ocean's plankton act as a mechanism to recycle the atmospheres CO2 Green house gases. Not as well as forests. Plankton does absorb a lot of carbon by photosynthesis but most (not all), [gets returned back into the atmosphere][3]. > Although a small but possibly significant percentage of the sinking > organic material becomes buried in the ocean sediment, most of the > dissolved carbon dioxide is eventually returned to the surface via > ocean currents - but this can take centuries or millennia. It's also unclear how much longer the oceans will continue to absorb carbon or if they will [start to release it as they warm up][4]. It's better to ask one question at a time, not three or four, and also, do research before you ask. [1]: https://www.nasa.gov/jpl/nasa-finds-good-news-on-forests-and-carbon-dioxide [2]: https://phys.org/news/2013-06-carbon-world-forests-absorb.html [3]: https://www.gdrc.org/oceans/fsheet-02.html [4]: https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn20413-warmer-oceans-release-co2-faster-than-thought/