>有地球的摆动引起的季节性变化>太阳能在北半球和南半球的整个历史>吗?地球的摆动,这是因为它遵循equinox进动周期和你所说的摆动是章动发生。这是扭矩T产生角速度o乘以角动量L . * * T = o x L * *一个完整周期平均需要26000年,地球已经有40亿年的近似基础上碳约会的岩石。* * 4000000/26000 = 153800岁差周期* *一个周期是足以改变不同季节的变化,如一个月的Decemeber可能面临夏天,冬天,秋天和春天整个旋进的持续时间。但真正影响总气候变化是基于米兰柯维奇周期,他演绎的一份声明中,倾斜轴向旋进从22.1到24.5度改变气候,比较我们现在倾斜23.5度为每100000年可能发生的。100000/26000 = 3.8或4岁差周期153,800 / 4 = 38450岁差季节性大约米兰柯维奇变化。这是很多时间得出结论,地球经历了季节性变化了很长时间。这个已经回答这个问题2。这种变化明显的地质记录还是一个悬而未决的问题?>可以这样的流星影响死亡> 6600万年前恐龙有改变或创造了摆动吗? There are theories that linked the extinction of dinosaurs or meteor impact million years ago such as India-Eurasia Collision which created the modern Himalayan which causes flattening the pole and elongating the surface that changes orientation on axial tilting. Meteor impact theory might not be enough to killed the dinosaurs 66 million years ago. Climate should be seen as a major factor that makes extinction for a certain species. Yet smaller biodiversity are more likely to be adaptive to harsh climate condition enable them to survive and evolve later years. > Are there any factors dampening or increasing the seasonal wobble over > time? Wobble might increase or decrease over time when plate tectonics shifts postion. This is because the distribution of plates varies to the degree of rotation of the Earth. Such as in our generation 2000 AD, looking on geodetic Earth and bathymetric structure leads you to observe flattening of the pole and elongation at equator. The contribution of Himalayan mountain and subduction of the Pacific trench affects the speed rotation thus altering different cycles calculated such as precession and obliquity of the true pole.