我不要跟着我们天气积极,除非它影响我的世界的一部分,我想(希望)还有(将)谁能给一个更好的描述目前正在发生的事情。但总结上面的评论我做了这个问题,这个——(这种天气模式有一个名称吗?)[1]我相信美国正在经历一个重要的部分(静止锋)[2]在过去的一个月。已经有大量的媒体对这一事件的报道和如果你谷歌“静止锋”一词在新闻人会收到很多电视新闻媒体的链接与气象学家给这个事件的详细分析。总结如下几个- 1)(一周的阴冷天气不是一个不寻常的春天发生][3]2)(静止锋夹在中间部分的伊利诺斯州和印第安纳州][4]我将尝试提供一个天气尺度解释事件的再分析数据。1)从日本气象厅网站- [!(波活动流量来自流函数从4月29日到2019年5月28日][5]][5]上层看200 hPa的朝赤道方向轨迹显示,表面波活动通量向量(视为小箭头)从北太平洋上。从北方秋天气候罗斯贝波断裂可能发生北方春天。信号在30天,10天,7天,5天内。我只有30天内的数据。信号存在于原始数据的异常。 Most importantly this wave activity flux is directed towards the continental USA all the way from New Mexico to the Great Lakes region. A popular science version of the above information has been discussed over at this link - [What's up with all this wet weird weather ?][6] 2) At the surface level this "stationary front" presents itself as air masses of two different temperatures as seen from this plot and one can see the front line more or less coincides with the rising wave contour of the wave activity flux in (1). Here the south easterlies are bringing in warm moist air from the Gulf coast and the Atlantic and the colder air masses are coming from Canada and North East Pacific. So the key question is whether the upper level influence is directing the surface level weather and that question can be answered by calculating PV anomalies when ERA 5 reanalysis data does become available. [![Surface Air Temperature And 10 m wind anomaly][7]][7] Source - [JMA reanalysis data][8] 3) The moisture flux being pumped into the south eastern part of the USA can be seen from this plot over a seven day period - [![Moisture Flux for North America 7 day mean][9]][9]. Again the signal is present over 30 day period, 10 day period and 3 day period and over a 1 day period. I would like to point out the moisture flux is seen at different levels of the atmosphere from surface level to the 300 hPa surface. Source - [NCAR NOAA reanalysis derived variables][10] 4) Last year (2018) apparently a [wavenumber][11] - 7 was found to be causing weather stalls as shown in this link - [Weather stalls becoming longer][12]. This year in April it is a wavenumber 5 pattern as seen in this site - [Current Weather reports][13] and I am able to pick up the wavenumber 5 or 6(depending on how one classifies what is a reasonable trough/ridge) from NCAR NOAA reanalysis data for the 500 hPa geopotential height anomaly for the month of May. [![enter image description here][14]][14] [1]: //www.hoelymoley.com/questions/16942/does-this-weather-pattern-have-a-name?noredirect=1&lq=1 [2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stationary_front [3]: https://www.sentinelsource.com/news/local/week-s-bleak-weather-not-an-unusual-spring-occurrence/article_b33c5789-fd12-530b-b3d2-73a5dd17da7a.html [4]: https://www.wthitv.com/content/video/510553662.html [5]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/UzjyZ.gif [6]: http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/imageo/2019/05/24/whats-up-with-all-this-wild-weird-weather-and-is-it-linked-to-climate-change/#.XO9zFyZS_M0 [7]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/FbwA3.gif [8]: https://ds.data.jma.go.jp/tcc/tcc/products/clisys/anim/anim_tp.html [9]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/Ud82u.gif [10]: https://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/data/composites/nssl/day/ [11]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zonal_wavenumber [12]: https://physicsworld.com/a/summer-weather-extremes-linked-to-stalled-rossby-waves-in-the-jet-stream/ [13]: https://seekingalpha.com/article/4255613-natural-gas-week-ahead-mild-warm-weather-pattern-encompass-large-part-country-injection [14]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/qVlVS.gif