图你不是真实的数据,它只是公式的情节是一个极端简化的太阳能的行为。目前还不清楚情节正是展示,没有轴标签或进一步的细节。然而,主要代理我们过去的太阳能强度来自于证明相关性与太阳黑子的数量,已记录以来的发明望远镜在1600年代初。和情节看起来太普通,差不多是这样的:[![在这里输入图像描述][1]][1]然而,目前没有证据表明任何重大相关性太阳周期和地震或火山活动,肯定没有背后真正的科学。全球周期可以影响气候改变的紫外线辐射强度改变上层大气的属性。然而,实际的总能量的变化与太阳周期非常小(~ 0.1%)。然而,它在气候变化中扮演一个角色在过去的几千年。然而,远小解释最近的变暖在上个世纪。是也不是冰河时代的司机,这是引发(但不仅由于)地球轨道的变化,在一个更长的时间尺度(~ 100000年)。 The plot below show different climatic forcing with is respective magnitude (upper plot). On the top (a) in black we have the influence of volcanic activity, in the middle (red and blue) the changes in solar emissions (b), and third (c) as a thick black line the influence of anthropogenic activities (greenhouse gases, aerosols, etc..). The lines (a) and (b) can explain the changes in temperature before the industrial revolution but not after. Anthropoginic influences need to be included to explain the observed warming. To understand better the lower temperature plot: The grey shades represent the range of temperature reconstruction from paleoclimatic archives (tree rings, ice cores, corals, etc..), showing a strong warming during the last century. Thinner colored lines represent different reconstructions of temperature based on changes in volcanic eruptions (a) and solar radiations (b) ONLY. Thicker colored lines represent different reconstructions of temperature based on the same changes plus anthropogenic activities (c) (which are negligible prior to 1800) [![enter image description here][2]][2] Now, going back to earthquakes, whoever predict that a big earthquake will happen, will be right. Because such earthquakes happen periodically. However, the exact repetition time can vary hundreds of years, and there is NO way to predict WHEN they will exactly happen with current technology. And again, there is no observed link of solar activity and earthquakes or volcanic activity. [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/nwvd6.png [2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/UJcvI.png