看到为什么我们不能执行一个实验在实验室条件下验证温室效应,我们需要首先考虑(严重而命名)温室效应如何操作:地球是在(实际上)真空,所以它只能获得或松散的热量通过辐射。太阳发出的可见光和紫外线波长的辐射,地球大气相当透明的在这些波长和太阳的辐射主要是通过它和表面。其中一些辐射(取决于地球的反照率)从表面反射回太空,但是其余吸收表面,使表面温暖。表面失去热红外辐射的波长。温室气体吸收红外辐射,导致大气中热身(温室气体分子的热量转移到非温室气体的碰撞,但热量也向上转移通过对流)。温暖的大气辐射的能量向下和向上进入太空回到地表,向下辐射的一部分也被称为“backradiation”(和直接观测到的)。重要因素不是出站的数量从表面红外辐射被吸收,但没有足够的高度上面温室气体吸收红外辐射向上从那层,以便它可以逃避进入太空。递减率意味着大气的温度随高度增加而减小。这意味着我们更多的二氧化碳到大气中,这个发射层越高,它是寒冷的。红外辐射的数量依赖于这一层的温度,如果这个高度增加然后从地球红外辐射的数量下降,导致能量不平衡,地球吸收更多的太阳比它发出红外辐射,所以地球变暖。 This continues until the radiating layer warms up enough for the outbound IR to be in balance with the incoming radiation from the sun. So more CO2, the warmer the mean surface temperature, all things being otherwise equal. So in order to have a lab experiment that could replicate the mechanism of the greenhouse effect, we would need a vacuum chamber large enough to contain a vessel containing a column of air high enough to have a measurable lapse rate. This is clearly impractical. We can perform experiments in the lab to investigate the absorption of IR by greenhouse gasses, and indeed Tyndall did this over a century ago, but we can't experimentally verify the greenhouse effect in laboratory conditions, just as we cannot experimentally demonstrate gravitational lensing in the laboratory. This doesn't mean we have no [evidence][1] of the greenhouse effect, of course we do, just as we do have evidence of gravitational lensing. [1]: https://www.skepticalscience.com/its-not-us-advanced.htm