她8岁的女儿想做在古生物学科学展览项目。公平,我们需要提出一个问题,可能导致一个假设,然后应用科学的方法来测试这个假说。墙上我们打,我们不知道什么样的测试古生物学家使用在他们的工作。谁能提供建议,我们可以提出我们的问题,和什么样的测试过程中是有用的吗?我不希望这个项目详细说明了对于我们来说,只是一个开始,这样我们可以学习。谢谢。我只是想解决评论科学公平的参与。我们是孩子。当我指我们关于我女儿的项目,并不是因为我要为她做她的工作,但是因为我是过程的一部分。同时,我发现住家教育的过程中,我也学到很多。 The work and ideas will be hers. Thank you for your concern. Further information: She is interested in prehistoric sharks. We have joined the Dallas (TX) Paleontology Society and will be going out to hunt fossils with them soon (and will continue well after the science fair). We traveled to UTA to talk to a micropaleontologist and learn about his work, and get ideas. He offered use of a high powered microscope (with enough notice), so that is a resource available to us. We have met Roger Farrish, who wrote a book of prehistoric sharks and rays of Texas. He is a resource. Homeschooling is more adventure than not. I keep asking, everywhere I can, for input from others int he paleo- fields as my background is in cultural anthropology, and culinary. We do appreciate your help.