当你看一个表面压力图表如![天气图][1](来自http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/public/weather/surface-pressure/吗?选项卡= surfacePressureColour&fcTime = 1437480000)……你可以看到低压区,在北大西洋。这些区域是如何跟踪?我无法想象有很多监测站在大西洋。可能的方法- 1。船,但我怀疑有足够的阅读在一个足够宽的区域。2。比较沿海监测站的压力读数。有足够的“点”“满足”阅读?3所示。 Aircraft - comparison of GPS altitude to barometric pressure readings could give the surface pressure in a given area. That said, most aircraft travelling over the atlantic are on specified tracks which may not cover a given area. 4. Monitoring stations on buoys at well spaced locations in the ocean. Potentially impractical and a hazard to shipping. [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/WLUEJm.gif