朋友,这里有一个疑问我自从我第一次听说板块构造。1。我的第一个问题是——板块移动如何?(你建议我一些页面之前读到的板块运动力学,让我澄清一下,我不是问板背后的力学运动。但我说的是板块运动的物理可能性)当我们看盘子,地图都是满满的,不移动一英寸的空间或差距…周围的复杂形状板、块所有自由的运动。那么如何理论说盘子可以移动吗?如果你不能听我的解释,认为正确的拼图块。我们现在可以把一块从中间吗?我们不能. . because the blocks are tightly interlocked, and because of their complex shape. The same is the situation here too, infact much more complex! Each plates is tightly surrounded by complex shaped other plates, making any movement in any direction impossible! see the below given a map of tectonic plates for example. It is evident the plates are actually interlocked so tightly that, it is impossible to move in any direction, because of the presence of another plate in opposite direction. There is no freedom of movement available, in any direction!!! The complex shape of plates make movements impossible! http://www.smh.com.au/content/dam/images/g/u/f/4/6/p/image.related.articleLeadwide.620x349.guf3ea.png/1487298688959.jpg 2. My second question is this. It is said that, all continents were a single large continent millions of years ago. and then much later, continents 'drifted away', reaching current shape and locations. If tectonic plates does not even have hundreds of miles of gaps between them to move, how can continents drift away so far, even thousands of miles away? Certainly plates cant move this far, because the whole earth surface is divided into plates, with no space left for plates to move thousands of miles. So how did the continents drift away this far? Or do we have to assume that continents are simply floating over the tectonic plates? isn't the plate tectonics theory a complete hoax?