# # # #压力题目中所提问题的答案。(断言问题身体太荒谬的地址。)物质在地球上面有所有物质的重量压下来。(这篇文章)[1]解释了高压力。虽然的确,重力为零在一个单点地球中心,在重力向量完全相互抵消,这是_never_负面的。没有把问题远离中心。不可能有空白。前提1的身体问题是完全错误的。此外,无处不在的单点,有一点重力遗留下来的矢量和。结果向量的方向总是向中心(地球的赤道隆起一些津贴)。 The micro- (and even zero-) gravity at the center of the earth is more than made up for by the pressure of the entire Earth holding it in place, trying to squeeze it down to a point. This was true even when the Earth was molten, so the heavier elements tended to sink down to the center. [This other post][2] has a thorough explanation as to why. Now that the Earth has cooled somewhat, pressure deep in the Earth increases local density by forcing liquids (e.g. the liquid outer core) into a solid state (the solid inner core), and then as the pressure increases, solids shift into new, more tightly packed crystal structures. [1]:https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/184032/what-is-the-pressure-at-the-center-of-the-earth-or-a-neutron-star [2]:https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/165526/if-the-gravity-at-the-center-of-the-earth-is-zero-why-are-heavy-elements-like-i