我认为通过“矿产挖掘”你的意思矿产收集。我多年来收集的矿物质。一般来说最大的危险是天真而不是矿物本身。你需要适当的安全设备,适当的工具和适当的计划。如果你用锤子打破摇晃,然后锤应该软钢。淬火钢可以分裂。因为岩石碎片长袖衬衫,长裤,最重要的是应该使用安全眼镜。靴子和手套可能是适当的。不摇滚单独收集。告诉某人你要去哪里,当你计划以防回来。 Don't go into mines, or collect from under ledges. If you're going somewhere remote plan to take extra food and water - just in case. Cinnabar and other mercury minerals need some care. Any liquid mercury which is spilt gets into cracks and crevices and is essentially impossible to remove. This is dangerous because the metallic mercury literally evaporates into the air and contaminates the air. Another set of minerals that would make me somewhat nervous are radioactive minerals. In general even such specimens can be handled safely with a few precautions since the raw samples have low radioactivity. You just are not going to find big crystals of uranium-235 metal while mineral collecting. If you can afford a small upfront expense micromount collecting is a neat way to go. A large collection of minerals will take up a small space. Micromounters swap and give away specimens much more generously than collectors who want cabinet size specimens. Active mines are virtually impossible to get into. However lots of old mines have tailing piles where good micromount specimens can be found. Lastly I'll also point out that there are several thousand minerals. Only a couple of hundred have good cabinet size specimens.