对流层臭氧(表面附近)是一种强大的温室气体,即使在微量。Strataspheric臭氧或紫外线的臭氧层是不透明和不透明的红外射线出去所以它既有气候变暖和变冷效应。增厚的臭氧层的净效应是一个小的冷却,所以臭氧层不是热量捕获驱动程序,但是低层大气中的臭氧,这是一个很变态的热量捕获气体。臭氧是非常被动的,因此,它有一个非常短的大气。([钟头][1]),但在大气中臭氧所是一个平衡浓度([337][2])。的浓度保持在对流层(阳光打在大气中微量元素)[3]。>大部分对流层臭氧的形成发生在氮>氧化物(NOx),一氧化碳(CO)和挥发性有机化合物>(挥发性),如二甲苯、反应气氛中>阳光的存在。> >氮氧化物和挥发性有机化合物的仪器叫做臭氧前体。> >机动车尾气、工业排放和化学溶剂>的主要人为这些化学物质的来源,如果举个例子,你释放数十亿吨的行星表面的臭氧增加温室效应,效果不会持续很久,因为因为大部分臭氧是一个不稳定的分子。它需要不断地重新创建,因为它往往会发生化学反应,停止很快的大气臭氧气体。 As noted in the quote above, motor vehicle exhaust has increased the atmospheric material that ozone gets created from in our lower atmosphere, so there are man-made reasons for the increase in tropospheric ozone concentration, 237 ppb in 1750 to 337 ppb today. [This reference][4] from the [Wikipedia article][2], notes that the Ozone layer has a minor cooling effect, ([Source article here][5]), quote from footnote 6 > Radiative forcing for tropospheric ozone is taken from the 5th column > of Table 8.6 of IPCC (2013). > http://www.climatechange2013.org/images/report/WG1AR5_Chapter08_FINAL.pdf > The "current" value in that table refers to a global average. Note, in > the row immediately below the number for tropospheric forcing, the > stratospheric forcing is given as negative 0.05 W/m2 The [82 page IPCC report on radiative forcing][6] from which that article references has this to say on it's introductory remarks on Ozone: > The total RF estimated from modelled ozone changes is 0.35 (0.15 to > 0.55) W m–2, with RF due to tropospheric ozone changes of > 0.40 (0.20 to 0.60) W m–2 and due to stratospheric ozone changes of –0.05 (–0.15 to +0.05) W m–2. Ozone is not emitted directly into the > atmosphere but is formed by photochemical reactions. Tropospheric > ozone RF is largely attributed to anthropogenic emissions of methane > (CH4), nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO) and non-methane > volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs), while stratospheric ozone RF > results primarily from ozone depletion by halocarbons. Estimates are > also provided attributing RF to emitted compounds. Ozone-depleting > substances (ODS) cause ozone RF of –0.15 (–0.30 to 0.0) W m–2, some of > which is in the troposphere. Tropospheric ozone precursors cause ozone > RF of 0.50 (0.30 to 0.70) W m–2, some of which is in the stratosphere; > this value is larger than that in AR4. There is robust evidence that > tropospheric ozone also has a detrimental impact on vegetation > physiology, and therefore on its CO2 uptake, but there is a low > confidence on quantitative estimates of the RF owing to this indirect > effect. RF for stratospheric water vapour produced by CH4 oxidation is > 0.07 (0.02 to 0.12) W m–2. The RF best estimates for ozone and stratospheric water vapour are either identical or consistent with the > range in AR4. {8.2, 8.3.3, Figure 8.7} From page 3 of this link, chapter 8, page 661 of the AR5 report. What the report basically says is that tropospheric ozone has a significant greenhouse effect, 0.4 watts per square meter as a result of the man-made increase since 1750, which is nearly equal to the warming from the methane increase, despite measurably lower total concentration and a lower percentage increase. (note, there are considerable measurement uncertainties, 0.2 to 0.6 is given as the range). But even the low end of that estimate makes ozone in the lower atmosphere a powerful greenhouse gas. [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenhouse_gas#cite_note-blasing_pre_1750_ghg_conc-51 [2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenhouse_gas#Natural_and_anthropogenic_sources [3]: https://www.sciencedaily.com/terms/tropospheric_ozone.htm [4]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenhouse_gas#cite_note-59 [5]: http://cdiac.ess-dive.lbl.gov/pns/current_ghg.html [6]: http://www.climatechange2013.org/images/report/WG1AR5_Chapter08_FINAL.pdf