我笨拙的成员道歉,我张贴之一——日月坛异常。我已经看了各种复杂的解释什么对我来说是一个非常简单的模型。有什么需要引入“弯曲的飞机”和“星空穹顶”所有这一切不存在在现实中?只有被称为一个“幻想”,因为观察因此不适合传统的模型复杂的解释,试图使它工作。异常是承认存在有或没有照片。因为每个人都相信月亮被太阳那么简单正常的物理似乎并不工作。太阳物理学是错误的或不照射月球。我意识到这是一个沉重的声明!因此我再次状态:1太阳和月亮是两个物体(像一个火炬和足球)悬浮在三维空间和大小没有关系。2月亮/足球被太阳照亮/火炬和垂线或光线可以得出它们之间。 3 It doesn't matter where in space you choose to view them, a perpendicular line or light ray can still be drawn between them. I created a new drawing at this link https://www.dropbox.com/sh/h2wigqq7ac6n5va/AACDr-2HWCkDQNK941uHG_Haa?dl=0 I'm very surprised that some of you have never noticed it before hence the suggestion asking me to post a video. This is a very common occurrence and I have seen it many many times as I go for my morning walk at about 8.00am every morning. I have never thought of actually tabulating my observations. BTW I noticed that JeopardyTempest is a Christian - so am I. [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/elFma.jpg