从大多数沙尘暴发生的下风口处的地区缺乏水分,植被,土壤含量高。植物根系有助于保持土壤水分缺乏时完好无损。所以任何未来的改变导致净减少植被,净减少降水、或暴露的增加土壤的内容将会增加沙尘暴发生。因此,最合理的理由增加沙尘暴在未来,相关科学研究:1。陆地表面的变化由于人类的影响:森林/植被被取而代之的是农业土地管理实践或矿业不维持土壤或暴露更2的根。降雨量减少(例如由于气候变化),可能导致该地区的荒漠化。3所示。河流对人类使用的转移,从而把水从以前的任何生态系统下游4。极端的事件(如彗星撞击或核战争)导致大多数植物,在我看来,这是一个非常现实的可能性,如果人类继续导致植被净减少……会有沙尘暴。 However, there are good land management practices that can curtail dust entrainment into the atmosphere, such as those adopted after the historic 1930s "Dust Bowl" in America. Finally, from IRO-bot's comment link to [Wikipedia dust storms][1]: > It has been argued that recently, poor management of the Earth's drylands, such as neglecting the fallow system, are increasing dust storms size and frequency from desert margins and changing both the local and global climate, and also impacting local economies. [1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dust_storm