从[斯克里普斯][1]:>[的]纬度差异波动是由植物光合活动的结果。光合作用的植物开始在春天和夏天,它们消耗的CO 2 <子> < /订阅>从大气中并最终使用它作为碳源进行生长和繁殖。这将导致减少CO 2 <子> < /订阅>水平,每年5月开始。一旦冬天来临,节约能源减少植物光合作用。没有光合作用,公司的主要过程是呼气<子> 2 < /订阅>总生态系统,包括细菌、植物和动物。地球的两个区域包含大部分的陆地植物:北半球大陆热带地区,包括……广阔的亚马逊河流域的热带雨林。然而,赤道附近温度的季节性变化不太明显。季节性波动有限公司<子> 2 < /订阅>因此最为明显在北半球,在季节性温度变化导致植物光合作用非常大的差异从夏天到冬天。我翻译的slide-graphic证实这个想法,更多的公司<子> 2 < /订阅>存在春天早些时候,特别是在北半球。 There are darker reds (~403 ppb) over most of the northern latitudes in March/April [![OCO in April][2]][2] and more of an orange-yellow color in June (~400 ppb). [![OCO in June][3]][3] In general, I would caution you in putting too much meaning into graphics that NASA develops such as these. These graphics are made by concatenating a couple weeks of satellite overpass data (generally one to two retrievals per pixel). These are not an "average" like you might think. This is because the swath of the instrument detection is very thin, thus requiring weeks to get "global coverage". Furthermore, the OCO CO2 algorithms are still being refined, and will go through several more revisions before the data is "finalized". [1]: https://scripps.ucsd.edu/programs/keelingcurve/2013/05/07/why-are-seasonal-co2-fluctuations-strongest-in-northern-latitudes/ [2]: http://i.stack.imgur.com/1RJq9.jpg [3]: http://i.stack.imgur.com/mg0G2.jpg