问题;* *,因为,我需要多少棵解决全球气候变化危机?我应该优化为一个特定类型的树还是松工作以及橡木或黑胡桃木?* *首先,你需要考虑它作为森林。在森林也有树的松散的进化的游戏,赢得和树木。第二,你需要在你的森林(气候),和它的土壤。它定义了树的类型。第三,你需要减少你的森林来优化它的增长率。26年最佳,但如果4次世纪很容易记住。这样就可以[增长率达到4.8万亿/公顷年芬兰][1]。或在美国(5.16吨/公顷/年。][2] I am not sure about the unit used in this source, but if their ton is 907 kg's and acre is 4046.85 m2 this makes 11.56 tn/ha/ year. If the used carbon amount is $9.2 x10^9$ tons, and [half of wood weight is carbon][3] then you need $1.6 x10^9$ ha or 16 000 000 km2 of Forest. [There is 39 500 000 km2 Forest in the world.][4] If 40 % of it is used optimally, it's enough at present rates. The CO2 is not a problem; the Population growth is. [1]: http://www.puuproffa.fi/PuuProffa_2012/7/puun-kasvu/metsan-kasvu [2]: http://www.forestresearchgroup.com/Newsletters/V8No2.pdf [3]: http://www.fpl.fs.fed.us/documnts/pdf1984/pette84a.pdf [4]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forest#Forest_land_area