下图有些指导:请注意,即使在夏天,印度(约30 n)仍被太阳略高于英国(60 n)。这因为尽管日子长在英国,太阳在天空中较低,所以热量分散到更广泛的领域。但是北极变得更加阳光比英国或印度,6月和赤道会少得多。所以有一些解释。原因是热惯性。[![在这里输入图像描述][1]][1][1]:https://i.stack.imgur.com/9CSGe.png想象推着沉重的球。它可以花一些时间开始迅速行动因为惯性。同样需要时间地面和水加热当太阳照耀。印度在冬天变得更阳光,所以地面和水仍然温暖。 When summer comes, it heats up further and ends up much hotter than Britain. In Britain there is very little sun in winter, and the ground and water cold down (and freeze) Then even when the sun comes in summer it takes time to warm up. By the time the ground and water have warmed up, the sun is already starting to weaken. And so the temperature never rises as much as it can in India. There are lots of details and local effects (the gulf stream in Britain, and the monsoon in India are significant) but the basic reason that India is hotter *in summer* is that it gets more sun *in winter*!