我写信是一种矿物指南智能手机分类矿物质根据其形成环境。[![在这里输入图像描述][1]][1]与[建议这相关的问题)[2],我改变了分类:沉积* * - * * - * *岩浆* * <年代> * * Tardimagmatic * * < / s > - * *变质* * - * *热液* * * * Supergenic ? ?* * <年代> * *外生* * < / s >问号是因为评论[其他相关问题][3]见sub * supergenic *将不是一个好词,包括从火成岩风化产生的矿物,在表面沉积或变质的尸体。会适当的分类风化矿物*表面改变*。我第一次写的DB我提到*外生*,但看起来没有正确根据答案在第一次联系的问题。*风化*也许?这将是在我们可以接受的吗?- - - - - - - - - - - - < h1 >编辑< / h1 > @[弗雷德回答][4]和@ [Gimelist之前回答][5],我最终将其分类为:沉积* * - * * - * *岩浆* * - * *变质* * * *热液* * - * * Supergenic * * * *风化* *谢谢。我对我的未来霍普这是最好的用户/学生。 Let me know if you have a better alternative, I am currently reviewing my database and I have code task, but gonna publish it along 2020. For questions, from [Gimelist answer][5] and [Michael Walsby comment on his answer][6] ("Haematite can form in a number of ways and fits several of your classification headings, including Supergenic"), I am not going to ask the students to associate a mineral to an environment: > In wich environment would you found calcopyrite? > > a) Sedimentary > > b) .... And provide the context: >"Wich mineral would you associate with the sedimentary environment: early diagenesis of reductive environments. Bacterial origin?" > >a) **Pyrite** > >b) Chromite > >c) Heidenbergite > >d) Quartz [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/Tf21J.png [2]: //www.hoelymoley.com/questions/18167/is-this-classification-of-mineral-formation-environments-correct [3]: //www.hoelymoley.com/questions/18560/confused-about-the-genetic-term-supergene-mineral [4]: //www.hoelymoley.com/a/19049/18590 [5]: //www.hoelymoley.com/a/18181/18590 [6]: //www.hoelymoley.com/a/19040/18590