板块不是完全刚性他们可以弯曲,弯曲,和在大洋板块的情况下,把彼此推下,融化。* *板块移动滑下,融化,或弯曲* * toffee-bar糖果,挂了大多数人的一个表,把重物在另一端持有它,等待几个小时,就被自己的重量压垮它会弯曲90度。然而弯曲它快只有几度将提前。摇滚表现以类似的方式,慢慢足够的和有足够的力量,你可以弯曲。基本上所有固体这样的行为在某种程度上。板块不大规模刚性。弯曲岩石留下痕迹像[这][1]和[![在这里输入图像描述][2]][2]弯曲它快速和岩石破坏创建一个断层像[这][3]和[![在这里输入图像描述][4]][4]板块下推冶炼,它帮助如果你认为暴露的海洋地壳地幔被冷却成固体,而大陆地壳密度要小得多的花车上的流动性更强的地幔。这就是为什么大陆地壳不取回但海洋。 [![enter image description here][5]][5] we can even see that in how earth quakes behave around subduction zones getting deeper and deeper in the direction of movement until the stop indicating where there are no solids left to break. [here][6] is an earthquake depth map for japan. notice how they get deeper in the direction of the movement of the pacific plate (west by NW) as it dives under japan. If you look at a global map of plate movement you will notice that at then end of a moving plate (in the direction of movement) is either a mountain range or a subduction zone, or often both. [![enter image description here][7]][7] [1]: https://naturalishistoria.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/loughshinny_folds-rock-bent-wikipedia1.jpg [2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/fXreW.jpg [3]: http://epod.usra.edu/.a/6a0105371bb32c970b01bb0957e2a8970d-pi [4]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/dpuS7.jpg [5]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/hazyh.jpg [6]: http://blogs.agu.org/mountainbeltway/files/2011/03/hist1.jpg [7]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/0zuPS.jpg