有一个时区,* *完全无人居住的* *:[UTC-12:00] [1]。霍德兰它只涉及两个岛屿:贝克岛和岛屿,都是无人居住的(属于我们)。因为奇怪的时区划分在太平洋时区,实际上使用相同的时间(例如UTC + 12和UTC-12),但实际上是在两个不同的日子。但如果你严格解释的问题没有人孤独在这里这里有没人,所以这可能不遵守。第二个人口是最少(UTC +时间为)[2]覆盖Eucla村等村庄在澳大利亚人口200左右。面积包围提醒你把你的时钟信号,但非官方的所以它可能不符合。第三人口是最少(UTC + 10:30)[3],涵盖一个岛屿称为豪勋爵岛属于澳大利亚,居住着382人。如果你不接受时区不是整数变化从UTC UTC + 10:30可能不会满足你的好奇心。第一个完整整数时区从UTC(有人口)[UTC-02:00][4],由巴西大西洋岛屿像费尔南多-迪诺罗尼亚,Trindade, Martim Vaz等。英国的南乔治亚岛和南桑威奇群岛属于这个时区。接下来的总人口是2700人左右。 Unfortunately these are the places that use this timezone all year round and other areas like densely populated Brazilian cities use this timezone as daylight saving during their summer increasing the population drastically so even this timezone might not satisfy your criteria. Finally [UTC-11:00][5] being full integer change from UTC, with only all year round usage (isn't a daylight saving timezone for anyplace) consists of American Samoa, Midway Atoll, Jarvis Island and Palmyra Atoll of US and Niue of New Zealand and has under 60000 inhabitants. **Ps**. The estimated population numbers are from the wikipedia pages of the locations mentioned. [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTC%E2%88%9212:00 [2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTC%2B08:45 [3]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lord_Howe_Island [4]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTC%E2%88%9202:00 [5]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTC%E2%88%9211:00