确定岩石的隆升速率并不容易,但某些技术将产生比其他人更可靠的结果。也有定性技术提供估计粗糙到几乎毫无用处。例如,这种技术,从“答案”,上图:>所以你知道这曾经是海底,比方说> 300米以下水,但现在2000米的天空。所以它必须> 500万年来上升2300米。你可以计算平均>隆起率。…未能解释这沉积物岩化,或“变成石头”,肯定会涉及深埋藏一些未知的时间,在一个未知的深度,产生一个上层,或者下界不超过胡乱猜想。隆起的基底岩石(山核)是最好的量化使用”(裂变径迹约会)[1]”;thermochronometry技术即氦轨道长度、钍、铀的放射性衰变产生的进行了分析。技术取决于仔细选择合适的矿物晶体,在母岩,含有放射性元素。即使这种技术需要理解不确定退火温度的历史。 For example, in this paper: **[Exhumation of basement-cored uplifts: Example of the Kyrgyz Range quantified with apatite fission track thermochronology][2]** the following figure illustrates the complexity of the problem: [![enter image description here][3]][3] [Schematic illustration of the affect of differing total annealing temperatures (Ta) on complex cooling paths. The four vertical elevation profiles represent a sequence of exhumation (cooling) and burial (reheating) events. (top) Evolving temperature history and (bottom) distribution of apatite fission track ages in a vertical profile at the corresponding time step. Each profile shows the cooling path of apatites that are more (solid line) and less (dashed line) resistant to annealing. The base of the partial annealing zone (PAZ) for each type of apatite is considered to be the respective Ta. Exhumation and burial events are (unrealistically) depicted as instantaneous for clarity. The geothermal gradient is assumed to remain constant and advection of isotherms is neglected for simplicity.][3] The above paper is an excellent analysis of the history of uplift of the Kyrgyz mountains, in which constraints were made on the age of uplifting as the range grew laterally. Mountains don't just grow vertically! [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fission_track_dating [2]: http://www.geol.ucsb.edu/faculty/burbank/Site/Publications_files/Sobel%20Tien%20Shan%20Tectonics%202006.pdf [3]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/JyVzq.png