所有添加到地球环境中的新能源都来自地球之外。太阳是最大的贡献者,然后是其他因素,如流星,银河系中其他能源的辐射等。所有击中地球的太阳能量要么被反射回太空,要么被其他物质(水、岩石、空气、植物、动物)暂时以热的形式吸收,然后辐射出去。大部分热量最终会辐射回太空,但也有一部分会被大气中的二氧化碳和其他物质反射回地球。更多的二氧化碳=更多的热能被反射回地球。当人类、其他动物和细菌消耗植物和动物物质时,我们消耗的是来自太阳的能量,而这些能量被用于生长位于食物链底部的植物。然后我们的身体燃烧储存的化学能,将其转化为动能,以辐射热的形式释放到大气中。如果更少的人口种植更少的食物,那么这些作物暂时吸收的太阳能就会更少。越来越多的人种植和消费更多的食物会使更多的能量在这个系统中循环,但最终植物消耗的能量和消耗这些植物的生物释放到大气中的能量之间会达到平衡,不管它们的种群数量有多大。所以不,人体温度对地球温度没有直接的持久影响。 Millions of years worth of our sun’s energy that was temporarily stored by plants in prehistoric times got locked up longer term in oil deposits underground. Humans have been drilling and pumping that oil out of the ground and burning it to make our lives easier/better, but in the process we are releasing millions of years worth of stored energy into the atmosphere in a relatively short amount of time. Much of that released energy radiates out into space, but some of it gets reflected back down to earth by the increasing CO2 levels in our atmosphere. And human’s burning of fossil fuels is the biggest contributor to adding new CO2 to our atmosphere. Using atomic energy releases energy as heat into the atmosphere that would eventually be released into the atmosphere on its own by the radioactive elements themselves even if humans weren’t manipulating them, but probably at an accelerated rate. Storing and then using renewable energy such as solar and wind (wind energy originates as the sun’s solar energy moves air around our atmosphere, plus some kinetic energy from the rotation of the earth) are net neutral to our planet. The energy stored in and released from the earth’s core is another factor that we’ll save for another discussion. In the meantime, let’s all accept that our planet is warming as a result of humans releasing prehistoric energy into the atmosphere at a relatively rapid rate compared to how long it took for that energy to accumulate. (Mic drop)