回答:我们已经知道,没有。一颗彗星或小行星的影响会影响矿物成分在火山口附近(高压力和温度),但这种影响很小,迅速减小的半径。没有记录量化不同的矿床与半径的陨石坑(厘米和米规模,但在公里范围)。因此,我们不能假设澳大利亚铀矿之间存在相关性(或其他国家)和陨石坑。铀矿可以形成在许多方面:从列表中可以看到,7的15铀的方法形成,发生在澳大利亚。没有人由于彗星的影响。* * 1。侵入性存款* *在南澳大利亚,希尔镭是开采1954 - 62,和大型低品位矿化作用发生在Olary省的尸体。* * 2。Granite-related存款* *开口的尺寸范围广泛,从沥青铀矿的巨大静脉Jachymov存款(捷克共和国),窄pitchblende-filled裂缝、断层和裂缝的一些矿体在欧洲、加拿大和澳大利亚。 **3. Polymetallic iron-oxide breccia complex deposits** **4. Volcanic-related deposits** In Australia, they are minor – Ben Lomond and Maureen in Qld are the most significant. **5. Metasomatite deposits** Valhalla and Skal (Australia) **6. Metamorphite deposits** 7. Proterozoic unconformity deposits Australia (the Alligator Rivers region in the Pine Creek Geosyncline, NT and Rudall River area, WA). **8. Collapse breccia pipe deposits** These occur in circular, vertical collapse structures filled with coarse fragments and a fine matrix of the penetrated sediments. The collapse pipes are 30-200 metres in diameter and up to 1000 metres deep. Uranium mineralisation is mostly within permeable sandstone breccias within the pipe. The principal uranium mineral is pitchblende. All examples of this type are near the Grand Canyon (USA), notably in the Arizona Strip. **9. Sandstone deposits** Basal channel deposits – wide channels filled with permeable sediments. Examples are Dalur and Khiagda (Russia) and Beverley and Honeymoon (South Australia). Mafic dykes or sills in Proterozoic sandstones – Examples at Matoush (Canada) and Westmoreland (Australia). **10. Palaeo-quartz-pebble conglomerate deposits** **11. Surficial deposits 12. Lignite-coal** Mulga Rock (Western Australia). **13. Carbonate deposits 14. Phosphate deposits 15. Black shale deposits**