那本书是卡尔维诺- Le Cosmicomiche。我认为有很多的可能性。我喜欢国际象棋,看福尔摩斯电影,读哲学的书籍,面向物理书,艾萨克Amsimov或叙述如马尔克斯或Umberto Eco。命运也是有趣的。我经常花时间寻找永久可靠赢得轮盘赌方法或相似导线(与croupie发现,做一个协议)。我参加了大学比我只有15天的行为给我在工作。有时我寻找一个简单的课程,会给我超过一个indipendent研究的真相。我没有很多朋友。许多为数不多的我,并不是我的朋友,而不是敌人。我害羞,不太幸运的女子。我卖我的自我。 I like to drink alcohol cause it make me feel easier,more simple. I reached 135 points on iqtest.dk,i think i have about an unique immagination. I often think on my past,i feel only distances or lies or fear or hate. When I see some old photos of the greats i feel the same i dreamed. I think i could stay forever in contemplation in front of that pictures,but is better not. In the free time i dream for a better future,in general. I thought about a simple generator using heat pumps ecc. I can't accept many things like other people do,i'm not very able in english translation cause I use only sometimes this language orally. I visited England when i was 13,now i'm 31. A man. About a man. Of course if i need to fight,i do it,if someone needs of my help,i will help the scared; i make some presents like roses or chocolate. Not to the scared,but in general,to womens... I'm a Pc tecnician,a programmer of C++. I like psicology, I red some of Freud. Actually i'm looking for a job can open me some doors I smoke 20 sigarettes a day and i don't think i will quit.

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