我有编织的爱好。我正在进行一个思想实验,用基本的生物材料制造细胞。我从磷脂、脱氧核糖核苷酸、我自己的DNA、核糖核苷酸和氨基酸开始。在得到单个细胞之前,我要经历几个阶段。我首先提取自己的DNA。然后分离染色体。之后,我让它们进行DNA复制1周。然后我从其余的染色体中分离出一组二倍体染色体。接下来我研究蛋白质的结构,修饰,基因表达和序列。在那之后,我用PCR来产生更多的特定基因。 I then put the PCR results into a test tube that has spliceosomes and RNA polymerases. I then separate the mRNA from the rest and put the mRNA into another test tube with ribosomes. This is where I inject most of my amino acids. After that I modify the protein as needed. I then place that into or on top of the organelle. I start with the cell membrane of course and then build the nucleus, RER, SER and Golgi apparatus. I then build mitochondria, centrioles, lysosomes, peroxisomes, and the cytoskeleton.